York Force

Client Services Superheroes: The York Wonder Women

The second edition of the YORK FORCE introduces the Wonder Women of York -- Allison Bennett, Tina Blocker, Shanna Bonaparte, Lidya Gulizia, Kim Karcich, Kristen Lopez, Nicolette Lovari, Cassie Mosher, Jenna Pitta-Daniels, Lea Sherman, Patty Werner-Els.

2023-05-03T13:02:21-04:00April 25th, 2023|

YORK FORCE: Introducing Slim

He’s slender. He can stretch his body like a rubber band. He’s a great listener and an even better friend. Even on the YORK FORCE, there’s no equal to the man we call Slim!

2021-12-02T10:42:39-05:00July 14th, 2021|

YORK FORCE: Introducing The Brain

The Brain sits at the controls of the York Force courier system, deftly coordinating client pickup/deliveries and ensuring client rush jobs are in the system and ready for analysis even before the samples reach the lab.

2021-12-02T10:43:01-05:00June 22nd, 2021|
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