YORK FORCE: Introducing Frostbite

The YORK FORCE courier team has the tri-state New York region covered, saving its environmental and engineering clients from Chaos.  The team is powerful, agile, and unparalleled when it comes to delivering top-notch customer and courier services.

Meet Frostbite, known for being the glue that holds the courier team together. Frostbite is as much a member of the customer’s team as he is the York’s team.  A kind man who always has a nice word for others, Frostbite has incredible attention to detail. He’s a person everyone wants on their side.

Frostbite works the Westchester-Connecticut-Albany route.  But the places he most enjoys serving are the owner-operated shops in the Hudson Valley.  He’s welcomed everywhere and rarely must knock on doors.  Even if he hasn’t seen a customer in a long time, his superior memory enables Frostbite to pick up right where he left off.  Customers love and appreciate that superhuman power!

What makes Frostbite so welcome?  The fact he’s as reliable as the North Star? That he anticipates customers’ needs? Is it his extensive knowledge of craft beers?  Is it the fact that most people immediately feel comfortable around him?

It’s all the above, with a personality that is kind, humble and professional.  Frostbite always has something nice to say, and remembers the needs of his customers, often packing his truck with extra supplies just so he can restock his customers’ shelves.

Frostbite is an invaluable member of the YORK FORCE, getting the job done consistently for clients, always by the book, and always calm, cool and collected.

Frostbite is Chris … Chris Cataldi!