The York-ALS PFAS operation is extensively showcased in the Customer Lab Feature Series on the PromoChrom Technologies website. The article reviews York’s early PFAS leadership, discusses the range of applications for the SPE-03 automated extraction technologies, and cites the most frequent challenges we see in our PFAS laboratories.
“By spotlighting innovative labs like York, one of the earliest adopters of SPE automation, we showcase the impressive growth York has achieved and the impact of their foresight on the PFAS field,” notes the PromoChrom team.

“We anticipated PFAS contamination was going to be a tidal wave, and we wanted the best technology to scale our testing operations when we built our Emerging Contaminants laboratory in Queens, NY and began testing for PFAS in 2017,” says Michael J. Beckerich, President of York-ALS.

“PromoChrom has been an invaluable partner throughout expansion of our PFAS testing capacity. The efficiency and speed of PromoChrom extraction technologies in our soil and groundwater prep has been critical to delivering industry-best turnaround times.”
Click here to see the full feature story: https://www.promochrom.com/york-als-labs